Hello, my name is Christopher Barbosa. I am currently a sophomore student at CCNY. It feels like just yesterday that I was taking math 190 and struggling through the course material myself, but I have come a long way as both a student of math and learner in general(I was a very bad student in high school). I am currently aspiring to major in computer science. I enjoy the theory of the subject and I’m especially excited to learn about formal languages, functional programming, and finite state automata. I came into CCNY with the goal in mind of entering and excelling in the GSOE and now finally I am in the semester where I can finally apply; it’s a surreal feeling. I chose computer science honestly out of convenience, promising job market, and I guess a sliver of interest. If it was up to me, I would probably major in math and try to study something pertaining to Godel’s incompleteness theorems(but computer science is a lot more stable so I decided to set my sights on a career in software development). I don’t really have any hobbies; I do enjoy exercising however, and I try to maximize my gains by intermittent learning of kinesiology and exercise science; but I wouldn’t categorize that as a hobby as much as I would a force of habit. To try and wrap things up, I’m nothing more than a student who enjoys mathematics and the process of learning and I hope to lend off some of my knowledge and passion for the subject to the students that I help out throughout the semester.