Discover the available groups STEM Communities has to offer or create your own

What’s the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year? Be ahead of the game. Use our inquiry email: [email protected] to ask questions about CCNY’s services and programs, and join our internship program to sharpen your skills and much more.
Connect with the CCNY Community. Be ahead of the game and say YES to internship offers that connect you to other members and to the STEM curriculum conversation. Make new friends, help shape our platform and start your professional journey!

We know that The Transferring Process can be overwhelming enough. Getting to know the Campus and finding the Resources you need while keeping up with school work already seems like a mission impossible, and this is why been part of the Incoming transfer students Network can help you ease this transition. Connect with other transfer Students and find out where is what at the college by simply asking to our expert connectors. Make the switch without a hitch!

Officially declaring your Major can be really rewarding, you finally made it to the first 2 years of college, Congrats! Keep the momentum by Joining the Upper Division Network! Connect with a range of Juniors & Upper Division students in Science and Engineering as well as our Peer Connectors [Hadriana Leveque in Science & Shabiha Nishi in Engineering ] they will coach you along and share Resources that will help you Succeed at this transitioning stage. Don’t be lost connect today!

Want to hear about upcoming great events at CCNY? Want to be more involved on Campus? This Group is designed to help you find out more about upcoming events happening in NYC. From free food to attending cool events and finding the club that is right for you! Feel free to post your own opportunities & events and share your opinions and comments about the CCNY campus. remember safe space no harsh comments! Be connected, Be engaged, Be STEM-SC!

The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Network is a space to gain insight into what research is, what it entails, and how to get involved. Research Opportunities within CCNY as well as Other Organizations available. Feel Free to share other great opportunities with the STEM Communities. Engage, Comment, Connect!

Welcome! Is there a big problem in the world that you’re dying to solve? Have you always dreamed of being your own boss? Are you bursting with new ideas? This Chat Group is to gain insight on all the great opportunities The Zahn Center has to offer here at CCNY! I will share events that The Zahn Center will be hosting throughout the year. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me!

You can join these group discussions from anywhere

Student run organization aimed at winning the annual ASCE Concrete Canoe Competition and creating opportunities for students to enrich their skills and abilities as prospective civil engineers.

EWB-CCNY is a non-profit humanitarian organization that aims to assess, design, and implement sustainable engineering solutions to developing communities. Join and become part of a nation-wide community of students and professionals working towards projects that improve our society! For more info:

Answers to weekly class quiz

SWE CCNY is a professional and social network intended to help students build strong connections and prepare for a career in engineering. Our mission is to stimulate women to achieve their full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity.

The Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) is the international society for computing professionals. Our ACM Student Chapter at CCNY aims to foster a community of Computer Science students and tech enthusiasts who collaborate in developing the skills they need in the industry, expanding their network, participating in activities related to new technologies, and learning how to further their professional careers.

STEM pervades every part of our lives. Science is everywhere in the world around us and STEM majors are constantly finding ways to make this world better. If you ever feel like you have the potential to do great things with your STEM major, but just aren’t sure how to start, this is the group for you. Sharing information that can help unlock the potential to succeed in the STEM field by sharing learning techniques and experiences, valuable tips for networking and job interviews, as well as accounts of proven methods that can help you achieve your career goals. Feel free to join and invite your peers!

Here’s a great place to express your culinary creativity with the rest of the STEM Community. Share recipes and photos of your favorite meals!

Spark, Blaze, Fire is a creative writing workshop where we will spark ideas, blaze a trail for our stories, and fire them into the world of creative writing. Whether you’re experienced or experimenting, this supportive online setting will offer an opportunity for creative fiction and nonfiction writers to appreciate the art of storytelling!

Considering how competitive the job market has become, it is never too early to start to think about your career. Based on your long-term goals, select (3) possible career paths for your specific STEM major then develop an aesthetically pleasing and informative infographic to summarize the chosen occupation.

In this forum, interns share their research on projects related to different aspects of their journey as prehealth students. We expand our knowledge of the broad healthcare field by exploring different career options, looking for extracurricular activities to become well-rounded students, and researching professional programs.

Feeling competitive today? Then you’ve come to the right place! Here at Mystery Box, we have all sorts of brain teasers and mind games for you. Don’t miss out!

This “cave” will be a place where daily questions will be asked and there will be trivia facts will be added. “Be curious and enter the cave” Here is the link to the trivia form to send in your facts or questions.

“Yoga is concerned with the health and beauty of the organism as a unified whole,” Hittleman. 10-15 minutes mins of YOGA offers you a lifetime of flexibility, youthful manner, and recharge your ambitions. We offer some motivational movements from our research but are not licensed to teach yoga. Disclaimer: Please consult general physician for physical readiness before practicing yoga.

Get your Quote Gulp! Stop by when you need some strong words!

In this area, this will be all about you. We want to know you more. We want to connect with you deeply. Tell us anything you want to say!

Stressed with Math? Tired of Solving? Sick of all of that? Take a break. Enter the room and just relax a bit. You deserve it! Disclaimer: The STEM Team does not endorse playlist content- selection but supports our members exploration of expressive art.

Encouragement for  students. They might just need some words to give them courage, not only referring them to tutoring or writing center but to give them words of courage to keep pushing on.

Studies have shown that incoming Freshmen students of all ethnicities have struggles at times with adjusting to different aspects of the new college experience. We are going to share some vignettes, some of which are from City College upperclassmen, and some are from upperclassmen from another university. They speak about how students have adjusted to college and their past experiences. After you read them, write a vignette that describes how you believe you will describe your adjustment to underclassmen when you are an upperclassmen. No one will be evaluating your responses but research has suggested that students thinking about their future may have a positive impact.

Group for residents of the Towers at CCNY to communicate with each other about events, meetings, etc.

Academic access group chats

This group will be used to communicate and update each other on the progress we have made with other interns in Chemistry! The current projects we are working on are: formula sheets, how chemistry can be applied to the healthcare field, and topics students need to be comfortable with to do well in upper level chemistry courses.

We will use this room to post updates pertaining to the STEM Interns’ resource projects. The final project will also be posted here once complete.

This group will be used to communicate and update each other on the progress we have made with other interns in MATHEMATICS! The current projects we are working on are Exponential Functions, Derivatives, and Integration, and Series. Providing good resources and different ways of how to face those topics.
Welcome to the Math 190 and Math 195 Coach Academic Platform. My name is Derrick Duller. I am a coach connector for MATH 190 and MATH 195. I have encountered these subjects in college before so hopefully my experience along with the resources that I give will be of help to everyone. I will also provide resources to practice solving problems in math and offer advice and support based on my experience with this subject. [Disclaimer: Coach Academic Platform is a peer-led service offering explanations of general concepts with study tips. Our feedback is offered based on each connector’s personal experience with a subject. Coach connectors do not offer assistance with specific assignments. We also do not endorse any one teaching method; at all points we defer to faculty expertise and course requirements. Our purpose is to deepen students’ commitment to their own studies.]
Welcome to the Coaching Academic Platform. My name is Shabiha Nishi and I am a coach connector for MATH 201. I will provide supplementary reviews and resources to help you understand certain key concepts, offer you feedback and suggest methods in solving complex problems. [DISCLAIMER: Coach Academic Platform is a peer-led service offering explanations of general concepts with study tips. Our feedback is offered based on each connector’s personal experience with a subject. Coach connectors do not offer assistance with specific assignments. We also do not endorse any one teaching method; at all points we defer to faculty expertise and course requirements. Our purpose is to deepen students’ commitment to their own studies.]
Welcome to STEM Virtual Communities. My name is Dehaan Rahman and I am a fourth year Civil Engineering student at City College as well as the coach connector for the Calculus 21200. I had trouble with this course the most out of all my math classes so I can relate to those of you who are in the same position as I was. I will provide resources to navigate through this course and understand core concepts you would need for future classes. (Coach Academic Platform is a peer-led service offering explanations of general concepts with study tips. Our feedback is offered based on each connector’s personal experience with a subject. Coach connectors do not offer assistance with specific assignments. We also do not endorse any one teaching method; at all points we defer to faculty expertise and course requirements. Our purpose is to deepen students’ commitment to their own studies.)

Physics 207 is labeled as university level, which means it is based on calculus, and it delves deeper into the physics you may have done in high school. The projects done in this group are designed to break down the difficult physics topics and make them more accessible to students, based on the experiences we had. Some early projects that we have going are; exploring how physics relates to other topics, how physics is used in other fields, and review sheets.

Welcome to STEM Virtual Communities. My name is Dean. I am a coach connector on this platform in the area of Biology 101 so I can help you understand recommended biology practices, suggest methods in solving complex problems, and offer ways for you to memorize complicated formulas and strategies. Regularly log into the group to stay updated with personalized approaches to different topics in the course each week! [DISCLAIMER: Coach Academic Platform is a peer-led service offering explanations of general concepts with study tips. Our feedback is offered based on each connector’s personal experience with a subject. Coach connectors do not offer assistance with specific assignments. We also do not endorse any one teaching method; at all points we defer to faculty expertise and course requirements. Our purpose is to deepen students’ commitment to their own studies.]
Chemistry & Biochemistry Coach Welcome to STEM Virtual Communities. My name is Mathiu Perez. I am a coach connector on this platform in the area of Chemistry & Biochemistry so I can help you understand recommended practices, suggest methods in solving complex problems, and offer ways for you to memorize complicated formulas and strategies. I also provide resources to help you understand certain key concepts. Disclaimer: Coach Academic Platform is a peer-led service offering explanations of general concepts with study tips. Our feedback is offered based on each connector’s personal experience with a subject. Coach connectors do not offer assistance with specific assignments. We also do not endorse any one teaching method; at all points we defer to faculty expertise and course requirements. Our purpose is to deepen students’ commitment to their own studies.


“The CUNY STEM Communities allowed me to grow both as an individual, a human, and a leader. I improvised, improved, and finalized my communication skills, learned how to advertise on my own, and even embarked AND learned about what could be my career in the future. More-or-less, whether it be the tutoring, the R&R group, the events — or the CUNY system itself — I am appreciative of being here — virtually of course.
I feel proud of the R&R group and what it had become. We have active members who influence and help the STEM Communities through their posts. In that sense, I feel like a leader when I’m in the R&R groups. More-or-less, I feel as if R&R is a good way for me to conjure my leadership abilities.”

Tyler Gomez

R&R was something that I joined over the summer when it was just Vanessa and me. It was a whole new experience as I was getting ready to start Freshman year in College. The whole idea of R&R was new to me but I wanted to join R&R for a nice little escape as a Freshman, so I could relax and get used to this whole new College experience. Due to this platform I was able to connect with new people without even meeting them face to face. We were able to create our own little family and watch this platform grow from just a few members to a whole bunch of new members. I was also able to come out of my shell and make new experiences because of this experience. In the future I believe R&R will continue to grow bigger and be a “home” to plenty of new members.

Ishfee Motaleb

I learned so much from joining the R and R committee. I learned how to manage my time into doing my school work and posting/participating in the STEM community. I learned how to communicate with the other managers and my partners in creating my room and what should be included into my room.  I believe the R and R has managed to be a place where we can all add in our thoughts and be there for one another. I was happy to hear and see others who want to succeed and do better with me. It was very comforting to find this group of people who are hard workers and are able to nagar themselves. I am able to know what I can handle and how to handle the work given to me. ”


In my sophomore year, I struggled with time management.  I also struggled to understand the material in my STEM classes. It was not until a friend forced me to go to tutoring that I began to do well in my classes.  I hate that it took me so long to utilize this academic resource. I began to do very well in my classes. I recommend CCAPP tutoring to anyone because the tutors are so helpful and you are introduced to a lot of resources.

Miryam E. Matute Roca

My personal struggle in transitioning from high school to CCNY freshman was with time management. I had a two-hour commute. My classes ran from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.  Adapting to this unfamiliar stress level, I began to review class material during my commute time and complete homework between classes. This minimized the work that had to be done at home. These strategic adaptations gained me valuable flexible study time.

I was also uncertain about selecting a research opportunity at CCNY.  When I researched the college website, I became overwhelmed by the choices. I decided to meet with various professors to discuss their research work at the labs. This helped me appreciate my interests differently. It became exciting to select an appropriate opportunity.

Dina Elhadidy

I was able to share thoughts and positive insights through the R&R platform on top of having fun like during the among us event.
I feel that the platform is very helpful, especially at a time like this where we are all trapped at home, the different groups remind us to take care of ourselves and to relax overall. There’s also constant motivation to keep going.
As a student, I liked the feeling of being part of a platform that is sort of outside of the classroom, it has a nice vibe. As a person it allows me to share my ideas seamlessly.

Batoul Mohamad

“I guess this whole community helped me grow as a person and gain experience as well as friendships and courage. It also granted me the experience and practice towards being a leader. This community helped me determine who I would want to be in life and which skills would be useful in the future. I am very thankful to be a part of the STEM Communities.I gained new friendships and a sense of comfort through this platform. I feel like this platform is very useful to new students in order to gain information or to just relax and take a break from the stress of daily life. I think that this platform gave me a new motivation to do something to benefit myself and others.”


Transitioning from high school to CCNY was difficult for me. I believed that my high school physics class offered me a chance to handle material in Physics 207, but soon found out that the teaching style and the content covered was very different at CCNY!  I found myself getting lost in class. It was hard to accept how much study time I needed for physics, and I had difficulties balancing the workload with my other classes. It took the second exam in Physics 207 for me to accept that I needed extra help to improve my grades. I was studying the material for a longer period of time, yet not seeing the grades I wanted.  A physics tutor helped me learn the difficult content in class quicker which allowed me to better apply concepts for homework and exams. I learned which study habits worked effectively for me and the extra practice provided in tutoring helped improve my grades drastically in Physics 207.

Ramisha Hiah

As a first-generation undergraduate, I struggled to transition from a small classroom setting in high school to lecture-based courses in college. During my freshman year of college, the amount of effort required to study for courses was much more demanding and rigorous. Seeking guidance from mentors and professors, I adjusted my studying approach to shift from solo studying to studying in groups. This adjustment created opportunities to compensate for my academic weaknesses and meaningful relationships that motivated me to excel on my exams.

Another challenge I encountered as a biology student was the pursuit of research-based experiences. Due to my lack of experience or unfulfilled academic course requirements, applying to a research internship was self-defeating. Finding an applicable research experience that embodied my interest in the sciences was a tedious process consisting of seeking and dealing with rejection. Being interested in orthopedics, my range was limited in the CUNY system. However, through emails from CCAPP, I was able to apply and successfully begin a competitive research internship at NYU researching 3D-printed orthopedic biomaterials. With a set goal and persistence, I was able to find research I enjoyed and an opportunity to grow as a scientist.

Dean Cuadrado

“Joining R&R made me feel as if I am partaking in something that will genuinely be meaningful for my future. I’m doing something for a collective rather than doing something as an individual, especially during quarantine when life feels meaningless and dull.
I felt interested in joining the platform, since it was something to partake in that would lead me to work with a a lot of people and interact with them(Online of course)
The platform made me feel genuinely devoted and still makes me want to invest more time into it, since there are a great deal of people who are really smart, creative, and genuinely good people. It’s sad that I cannot meet them face to face, but I am delighted to be able to work with them and hope that they will continue to aid and guide me throughout my freshman year and even beyond.”

Zuhayer Murad

When I was a freshman, it was difficult to adopt new study habits and manage my time. I also learned the hard way that it was important to check CCNY emails every day, as not doing so caused me to under-perform in a class one semester. I learned to apply newer study habits like color coding and use of sticky notes and review sheets for every test. “To do” lists became a big part of my life to complete tasks and stay organized.

In my sophomore year, I struggled in a calculus course. I found it difficult to learn from the professor’s teaching approach. I never truly understood the concept of self-studying until that moment! I focused on reading the textbook, took lots of notes, and watched many instructional YouTube videos. I helped form a study group because, if one of us did not know the answer, then another student certainly would. All these new forms of learning and studying helped me receive a strong grade in the class. I carried these habits into future courses.


Paola Campos

As a new transfer student, I struggled to receive attention from my professors. I also felt intimidated by large lecture rooms.  However, the more I actively studied and reached out to professors during office hours, my confidence grew steadily. I was motivated to participate more in class and soon felt assured of my professors’ investment in my academic progress.

I accepted the experience of receiving tutoring. I was able to actively ask questions, talk out ideas, receive feedback, and I saved time by tackling tougher problems with a tutor. As my understanding grew, I saw improved results with class grades and tests. I then expanded my college activities by joining the Engineering Without Borders professional chapter at CCNY, in which I currently hold the role of domestic project secretary.

Claudia Duran

By being a part of R&R, I have gained a sense of family among the R&R family. I really enjoy taking part in different activities in the R&R room when I need to destress and find motivation. I also have access to STEM resources. I love being a contributing member of R&R and I hope to see the platform flourish.

Tejaswini Sudhakar